Launching Aruba Instant On in Lombok – NTB

ACS Group, together with PT Sistech Kharisma, which is a distribution of Aruba’s HPE and Lombok IT Professional Community (PROFIT) launched Aruba Instant On for the NTB region on October 5, 2019. It is a form of support for tourism development in this area. The presence of Aruba Instant On as a simple and safe WiFi solution for the growing hospitality industry in NTB such as hospitality, restaurants and public facilities. As a tourism area that is frequently visited by foreign and local tourists, the safety and comfort of using WIFI is an absolute requirement that must be met by business people in this industry.

Instant On combines business-class Wi-Fi technology from Aruba with a solution that is simple, easy to implement, and offers flexibility so that it can be continuously upgraded to suit business needs. Aruba itself is a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company that comes with the latest secure and powerful wireless network solutions. “The Aruba Instant On solution is easy to implement, cost-effective, capacity can be continuously improved, and certainly safety.



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